Case Study 📚 How To Make Over $2K/Mo as an AI SaaS

Meet Nick*, a developer with big dreams and a small bank account.

He was tired of working the same old job every day, dreaming of freedom and wanting to do something exciting on his own.

One day, Nick saw how much people enjoyed using AI, like ChatGPT, and had a great idea…

"Why not make my own AI tool?"

Nick knew how to make websites because he was good at coding.

But knowing how to share his tool with the world and make it popular was a whole different story.

He had to start learning from scratch about how to tell people about his AI and make his business grow.

The skills and knowledge he needed to learn were a lot like what we teach for free at Max Business School.

Nick learned those skills on his own, working hard every day.

He called his new AI tool Buni AI.

An AI Tool that helped lots of different people work better and faster.

Whether someone was trying to come up with ad ideas, write stories, design websites, or code, Buni AI was there to help.

Nick's company might be small, but it showed that even small companies can do big things with great ideas.

Nick did a really good job of showing people why Buni AI was awesome.

He knew who would love it and made sure they heard about it.

We'll learn more about how he did this in the case study below.

Case Study Analysis
(Available Free Until: 28/02/24)

What does this online business do? 🚀

Today, we're looking at an interesting tech company.

This company works in the AI (artificial intelligence) field and makes software that people can use over the internet.

Every month, they make about $2,000.

They created an AI tool to help entrepreneurs, marketer, developers, designers, copywriters… and more, do their work better and faster.

This company is a great example of how even small tech companies can do big things with the right ideas.

Stick around as we explore how this company works and why it's doing so well.

How does this online business make money? 💻

Our spotlighted tech company earns its keep with a smart approach to selling its AI services.

They've set up three different monthly subscription plans to fit everyone's needs and budgets.

First up, there's the basic plan, which is perfect for individuals just getting started with AI, priced at an affordable $10 a month.

Then, for businesses or teams looking to dive deeper into AI tools, there's the Teams Plan, a mid-tier option, priced at $19.

For the pros out there, who need all the advanced features and maximum support, there's the PRO plan, a top-tier plan, costing $40 a month.

But that's not all.

For those really committed to leveraging AI in their work, the company offers a Premium Yearly plan.

This plan is a big saver for the long haul, priced at $400 for a whole year.

It's designed for users who are all in on using AI to transform their projects or businesses.

By offering a range of options, from basic to pro levels, and even a special yearly deal, the company makes sure there's something for everyone.

This strategy helps them attract a wide range of customers, from solo tech enthusiasts to large teams looking for comprehensive AI solutions.

What has this business done well?🔥

This business is soaring, and here's why:

Their range of AI tools is impressive and caters to almost any digital need out there.

From an AI text generator that crafts written content, an AI image generator that brings visual ideas to life, an AI code generator that speeds up software development, an AI chatbot that enhances customer service, to an AI speech-to-text tool that accurately transcribes audio, they've got it all.

This variety is fantastic because it means customers can find multiple solutions in one place, making the platform incredibly versatile and valuable.

Moreover, the custom templates they offer are a game-changer.

These templates are designed to handle various tasks and utilities, making it easy for users to apply AI tools to specific projects without starting from scratch.

This customization allows users to save time and focus on fine-tuning outputs to better meet their needs, enhancing productivity and creativity.

The presence of user testimonials on their site adds a layer of trust and reliability.

Hearing how others have successfully used the platform encourages new users to sign up, providing real-world proof of the tool's effectiveness and value.

This feedback loop not only attracts new customers but also builds a community around the product.

Lastly, listing all the features of their AI tools helps set clear expectations for potential users.

When customers know exactly what they're getting, there's a higher chance they'll find the tool that fits their needs, leading to satisfaction and long-term use.

This transparency in what the platform offers ensures users feel confident in their decision to invest in a subscription, contributing significantly to the business's success.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

There are exciting ways this business could boost its revenue and attract more leads.

Here’s how:

Showcasing Use Cases:

One significant step forward would be to add detailed use cases on their platform.

By illustrating exactly how each AI tool can be applied in real-life situations, potential customers can easily see the value and impact these tools could have on their own projects or business operations.

This approach helps in bridging the gap between the features offered and the practical benefits users can achieve, making the decision to subscribe much more compelling.

Revamping CTAs:

Currently, the calls-to-action (CTAs) on their site are too easy to overlook.

Some blend in too much with the background, while others don't visually pop out as they should.

By redesigning these CTAs to be more eye-catching with bold colors and clear, compelling text, the business can significantly improve user engagement.

A well-placed and well-designed CTA can be the difference between a visitor just browsing and one that converts into a paying customer.

Introducing an In-depth Chatbot:

Adding a chatbot that can provide detailed explanations about the AI technology offered would be a smart move.

This tool could cater not just to tech-savvy individuals who want to dig into the technicalities but also help beginners understand how they could benefit from using AI tools.

A chatbot that answers queries in real-time can enhance the user experience, making the platform more interactive and informative.

This level of support could be the deciding factor for many potential users, encouraging them to take the leap into subscription.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Offering a diverse range of tools meets various needs, attracting a broader customer base.

  • Custom templates save users time and enhance their ability to tailor projects to specific needs.

  • User testimonials build trust and encourage new sign-ups by showcasing real success stories.

  • Transparency about product features ensures users have clear expectations, leading to higher satisfaction.

  • Demonstrating use cases helps potential customers understand the practical value of products.

  • Calls-to-action must be visually striking and clear to improve user engagement and conversion rates.

  • An in-depth chatbot can provide detailed product information, catering to both experts and beginners, enhancing decision-making and user experience.


Nick's story is a reminder for all of us that if you're willing to learn new things and keep trying, you can make your dreams come true.

He went from being a developer tired of his regular job to the owner of a successful online business.

It shows us that it's not just about having a good idea, but also about learning how to share it with the world and not giving up.

Make sure to take a look at this AI tool: Buni AI

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Bye for now,

Scott Max

*Fictional character to protect the anonymity of this entrepreneur