Case Study đź“š How To Make $6K/Mo Creating Sewing and Gardening Content

Meet Ina Wrobel, a super creative person living in a cozy little place in Alberta, Canada.

Imagine having a big dream in your heart but facing some tough challenges along the way.

That's Ina's story.

With unwavering determination and a clear goal in sight, she set off on a thrilling journey that would change her life.

Ina’s situation made her think, "Why not share my journey and help others like me?" And that's exactly what she did.

Ina decided created a a blog and called it: CraftyForHome.

In order to achieve success, she had to acquire a variety of skills to effectively manage and expand her business.

These are similar skills to what we offer for free at Max Business School.

The main goal of ina’s website is to teach people how to sew beautiful things and grow their own gardens.

But it's not just about sewing and gardening.

Ina was confronted with a challenging situation.

Her daughters had dairy allergies, which meant she had to be super creative with her cooking.

Instead of seeing this as a setback, Ina saw it as an opportunity to share her journey and help others in the same boat leading her to add cooking to her blog.

She also added travel-related content later.

Ina started this journey to make things better for her family and ended up helping lots of people.

When it comes to monetization, Ina is a veteran.

As we’ll see in the case study, she uses multiple channels to make money, including the famous duo: ads, and affiliate.

Ina's journey from facing personal challenges to building a successful online business is a big inspiration.

It shows us all that dreams can come true with passion and persistence.

Case Study Analysis
(Available Free Until: 16/02/24)

What does this online business do? 🚀

In this edition, we're looking at a unique website.

This website is all about sewing and gardening.

People who visit this site can learn how to make things with fabric and how to grow plants in their garden.

It's a place for people who like to create and take care of plants.

The interesting part? This website makes $6,000 every month!

That's right, by sharing tips on sewing and gardening, this site is earning money.

Let's find out how they do it and what makes them so successful.

How does this online business make money? đź’»

So, how does this amazing sewing and gardening website make money?

Let's dive in!

First up, the biggest moneymaker: display ads.

These are the ads you see popping up around the articles on the site.

Every time someone visits the website, they see these ads.

And of course, the website earns a little bit of money each time an ad is viewed.

Next in line, they make money through affiliate marketing.

For readers new to this: it means they recommend products they love, like gardening tools or sewing machines, and if you buy something using their link, they get a small percentage of the sale.

Then, there's the sale of printables.

These are digital downloads that you can buy, like sewing patterns or gardening planners.

Once you buy them, you can print them at home and start using them right away.

It's a great way for the website to share useful tools while also making some money.

Finally, YouTube.

The website has a channel where they post videos about sewing and gardening.

These videos not only help them share more great content but also make money through ads played on the videos and sponsors who want to reach their audience.

And that's how this creative website turns sewing stitches and garden pitches into cash.

What has this business done well?🔥

Here's the scoop on why this crafty website is nailing it:

Speedy and Smooth:

Picture this… you click on a website, and bam, it's ready to go.

That's this site.

It's just that fast, scoring a high 92% on GTmetrix for being fast.

Nobody's got time to wait, and this website gets it.

Quick load times mean more time enjoying tips and less time staring at a loading screen.

Finding Stuff is a Breeze:

Ever been lost in a maze of links? Not here.

It's like walking through a well-organized garden.

Whether you're here for the threads or the beds, everything's laid out so you can find it easy peasy.

Good Sidebar Usage:

On the side, there's this neat spot where you can jump on their newsletter.

They use their side bar very well.

Other than their newsletter opt-in form, they also show off their hit blogs and some must-know info, keeping you in the loop and making sure you don't miss out on the good stuff.

Blogs That Pop:

Dive into their blogs, and you're in for a treat.

Bright, beautiful, and bursting with life.

It's like each blog post is a little party for your eyes and brain, making you wanna create and grow things yourself.

Check this one for instance:

Isn’t it just comfy?

Spreading Their Wings:

Started with just sewing and gardening, right?

Now, they're bringing in more flavors, they added content about traveling and cooking as well.

They’re basically inviting more folks to the website, making sure there's something that catches the attention of everyone.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

Let’s talk about how this website can grow even more.

Boost That SEO:

So, their SEO traffic took a bit of a tumble, dropping from over 7,000 to less than 1,000 monthly visitors.

Ouch. And their keywords? They dipped too.

Guess it's time for a little SEO strategy makeover.

By revisiting their SEO strategy, they can get back on track.

They can dig into what topics their audience loves, update old content, and use some fresh, trendy keywords to climb back up the search engine rankings.

Get More Social:

They're doing good on Pinterest, with lots of followers and people looking at their posts (38K+ subscribers and 3.6M monthly views).

But, their other social media? Not so much.

They could really do better by using other sites more, like Instagram or Facebook. And giving TikTok a try could be huge for them.

Everyone loves watching quick, fun videos, and they could share cool sewing tips or quick gardening how-tos.

It's all about sharing their stuff where more people can see it.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Quick Website Performance: Speed is crucial for keeping visitors engaged. A fast-loading site means users spend more time enjoying content and less time waiting.

  • User-Friendly Navigation: A well-organized website makes finding information easy. Clear categories and a straightforward layout enhance user experience.

  • Effective Sidebar Use: A sidebar that promotes newsletters, highlights popular content, and shares important information can significantly increase visitor engagement and keep them informed.

  • Engaging and Visual Content: Content that is visually appealing and vibrant can captivate readers, encouraging them to explore more and return for future visits.

  • Diversifying Topics: Expanding content to cover additional interests can attract a wider audience, enriching the site's community and appeal.

  • Enhancing SEO: Addressing drops in SEO traffic and rankings by updating SEO strategies, such as revising old content and incorporating trending keywords, can improve visibility and attract more visitors.

  • Broadening Social Media Presence: While success on one platform is great, leveraging other social media platforms, especially those with different content formats like TikTok, can reach diverse audiences and drive additional traffic.

Ina's story is a testament to the power of turning obstacles into opportunities, crafting not just a successful business, but a life filled with joy and creativity.

Make sure to explore her blog: CraftyForHome

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Scott Max